Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day 2016!!!

Happy Father's day!!!

Love the tie card Hannah made!

Homemade cards are the best!!!

Givin dad some love!!!

Dad with the kids and all his loot!!!

Last day of School!!!

Another school year has come and gone...

Waiting for the buses to leave...

Waving goodbye to their bus!!!

Daniel's last day in 1st grade!!!

Ms. Island and Daniel!!!
They had a hard time saying goodbye...

Last time out of the school as a 1st grader...where did my baby go?

Grayce and Daniel BFFs!!!

Hannah's Last Day of 3rd grade!!!

Hannah and Ms. Woods!!!

Most of Hannah's class!

Working hard!

Last day in 3rd grade!

Last Day of 5th Grade...

We are so proud of Alyssa and all her accomplishments!!!

Alyssa and Ms. Anderson!
Most of the girls in Alyssa's class along with Ms. A!

Last time leaving the Elementary School as a 5th grader, she is off to middle school next year!!!

Alyssa's Ice Cream Social!!!

Alyssa was ranked #2 in her class for reading counts points!!!

They work all year to earn up to three scoops of ice cream, a cookie and toppings!

Daniel's End of the Year Celebration!

Ending the year with a Japanese celebration!

Playing a little Go Fish!

Hannah's Bowling Party!!!

Fun with friends!
Hannah's bowling group!

Look at her bowl!

Candyland Elementary Prom 2016!!!

Fun at the prom!
Aaliyah and Hannah on the "Red Carpet"!

Hannah and Eddie!

Daniel and Lathan!


Daniel dancing with friends!

Hannah dancing with friends!
Hannah and Aaliyah danced out!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Field Day 2016!!!

Hannah Ellen

Daniel William

Having a great time!!!
Alyssa's class heading to the games!
Me and my field day shirt!!!

Hannah's FLES performace this year!!!

Hannah Ellen

Getting ready to dance!

I love watching her dance!!!

Lake Bled, Solvenia (May 2016)

The cabin we stayed in!  Loved the location!

Checking out the "Land of Solvenia Folk Tails"!

Getting ready to take the lift up the mountain to take the slide back down!

Check out that view of Castle Bled!

My monkey's in the tree!

Checking out the view from Vila Bled!

Love the swan boats!

Another view of the lake!

My favorite pic from our weekend!!!

The whole family!!!

Getting ready to go on the rope course and zip lining!

A late lunch at Gallus!

We made it to Castle Bled!

Castle Bled!

Soteska Vintgar

We made it to the waterfall in the pouring rain!