Friday, April 08, 2016

Awana Awards Ceremony Night! April 3, 2016

Alyssa receiving her participation certificate!

Hannah receiving her participation certificate!

Daniel with his 2nd book award, participation certificate, and he also got Sparks clubber of the year for having 42 sign offs this year!!!

Gruenes and Salinas kids!!!

Out for gelato to end a nice day!!!

Happy 11th Birthday Alyssa!!!

Here she is with her birthday presents!

Birthday breakfast!!!!

Look at that she got what she wanted, a new bedspread!!!

Autism Awareness 5K~April 2nd, 2016

Alyssa's study trip to the Spilimbergo Mosaic School!

Love this art piece!
April 1, 2016

Regan, Corinne & Alyssa

Alyssa and I

Alyssa, Eve, and Corinne eating gelato!
Heading to the pizzeria!

Enjoying some Italian pizza!

Easter~March 27, 2016

Bunny Hop 5K March 2016!

Oh look I got them to pose with the Easter Bunny!!!

Ready to run for the egg hunt!!!

Daniel with his goodies!!!

This girl found a golden egg!!!

Just so grown up!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Best gift from my kiddos!

End of the Basketball season 2016.

Daniel and Coach Kristy!  Team Aviano Ninjas!!!

Alyssa with Coach Mullins and Coach O'Connor.  Team Aviano Mavericks!!!

Hannah last day of baton...

Hannah completed her second year of baton!!!

Our trip to Rome February 2016!

Walking the streets of Rome

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome!

Bill and the kids by Sant' Angelo castle in Rome!

Alyssa by the oldest bridge in Rome!

Our family by the Four Rivers Fountain!

Just chillin on the streets of Rome!

Getting ready to take the metro for the first time!

Alyssa and I inside the Vatican Museum, St. Peters Basilica was to the right behind us!

The kids and I by the Colosseum!

Very cool picture at night by the Colosseum!

Hannah and I just hanging out in Rome!

Ready to go get dinner!

Pasta anyone?

Gelato before we leave Rome!

This is how we felt when we got back on the bus to find out our bus had been robbed....not how we wanted to end out trip to Rome.  Besides that we had an awesome time in Rome!  We got to take the Metro around the city.  We saw lots of famous sites like the Arch of Titus, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps (under construction), Four Rivers Fountain, the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Roman Forum, Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, Sant' Angelo Castel, Palatine Hill, and much more.  We had a very productive day putting lots of miles on our feet!

Hannah's 9th Birthday party!!!

The birthday girl!!!
Having fun with her friends!!!

The three musketeers!

Reading scary stories!

Time for pizza!


Sledding February 2016!

Hannah Ellen


The girls!

Do you want to build a snowman?

Snowball fight!

Taking a break...

Daniel William

A fun day of sledding!!!  This ended up being the only time we were able to go sledding this past winter as it snowed later than last year and then Bill ended up going TDY.  We did have lots of fun!!!