Monday, February 15, 2016

Our basketball stars!!!

Daniel on defense....

Alyssa taking a shot!

Alyssa getting a chance at a free throw!

Alice in Wonderland performances February 2016!!!

Hannah in her first play performance!  She was a rock lobster, part of the ensemble!  They practiced for three months on this play and had four performance for an audience!  We were so proud of her!!!
Here are some of the scenes from the play!
Lobsters in action!

Hannah with her honey, Eddy!

Hannah and dad after her first performance, with photo bomber Daniel in the background!

Here's the cast with several people missing, as we didn't catch them all in time!

Hannah with her flowers after her last performance!!!

Cheer Camp Clinic January 2016!!!

I loved watching this little firecracker out there cheering!!!
Hannah with one of her good friends!

Hannah in action!

Love all the shirts the girls got!!!