Sunday, November 29, 2015

The kids school pictures this school year!!!

Alyssa Nikay
Hannah Ellen
Daniel William

Monday, November 02, 2015

October Fall Photo Shoot of the kids at our local park (Parco Brolo)!!!

Parco Brolo in San Quirino!!!

Love this one of Hannah!

The angle is a bit off, but I still love this one!!!

Giving a little attitude!


Another favorite!

Having fun!!!

Playing in the leaves!

My handsome boy!!!

They are so photogenic!

I really like this one of Alyssa!!!

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Fall Fest 2015!!!

Everyone had a great time!!!

Alyssa with her good friends, brother and sister!  This picture turned out great!

I like this one of Hannah, Daniel and I while Alyssa was hanging out with her friends!!!

Aviano AB Annual Halloween 5K!!!

Getting ready!!!

At the starting line...

The girls and I met this guy as we were heading the turn around point...not sure what his time was, but he was fast!!!

My walking buddies, we completed this one walking in about 45-50 minutes!

Success and we all got a t-shirt!!!!

The winner of a new basketball!

Winner of a new running shirt for dad!

2nd place for the scariest costume!

Soccer season has come to an end for Daniel...

Here is one of Daniel's many goals!!!

Just look at that kick!

Daniel in action!!!

Here he is turning the ball around!

It amazes me how fast this little guy is!  I am so tempted to try him in Italy soccer for a year...Daniel is really good!

Daniel with Coach White!
This is how they ended the season with only half the team...

Alyssa's final soccer game!

Alyssa and Coach Benedict!

Warming up!

Getting the ball out of there!

Aviano AB Annual Haunted House 2015!!!

Here they are at the entrance of non-scary hours and I never got them convinced to go with me to scary hours.  So, I had to go with other people's kids, but at least I got to go this year!!!