Friday, October 23, 2015

Some Highligts from our past week!

Daniel's class for Fire Prevention week!

Hannah's first week of Cooking Club.  Lemon tart was her creation!

Hannah's second week of Cooking Club.  Pumpkin bread with sea salted caramel!

Daniel is an amazing defensive player here he is coming in for another awesome save!!!

Alyssa and photo bomber Daniel at AES Family Movie night last night!

Eddie and Daniel at movie night!

Alyssa and Hannah at movie night!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

San Quirino Festival today!!!

Look at those smiles after some fun!!!
Silly Hannah Banana!!!

Alyssa in mid flip!!!

Daniel couldn't quite figure out the flips, but he still had a great time!!!

Checking out a new ride!!!

The beginning startled her a bit, but she love it!!!

Biking through the crowds!

Fun story we were short 2 euro cents today to get gelato and a lady in front of us covered it :) LOL  I really don't think the owners would have cared, since we are regulars there!  Life in Italy is great!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hayride and Bonfire tonight!!!

Love this crazy girl!!!

Alyssa was so excited to be able to roast hot dogs on a fire tonight!!!

Daniel roasting marshmallows!!!

Alyssa chilling out after a fun evening!!!

First group going for a hayride!

Second round hayride!!!
This event was with our Aviano Baptist Church family!  The kids attend Awana and I teach some of these amazing people!!!  Good times!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Happy Fall Ya'll!!! (Oct. 10th)

Love this picture!!!
Alyssa Nikay

Hannah Ellen

Daniel William
Yep I forced them to take a picture with Sparkie!!!

Soccer has been our life that past few weeks...

Three amazing kids!!!
Our Soccer stars!!!

Hannah getting some coloring in while watching the soccer game!!!

Alyssa's soccer pics (Oct. 3rd)

This girl plays amazing defense!
Working hard out there!  Throwing the ball in!

Go Team!!!

Daniel soccer pics (Oct. 3rd)

His favorite position is goalie!

Throwing the ball in!!!

He works so hard out on the field!!!

Daniel is getting so big!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Weekend trip to Gabicce Mare, Italy!!! (Sept. 25-27)

At the hotel Sans Souci!
This a great picture of Daniel and Hannah!
Check out that bunk bed!

Out on our patio!!!

Playing in the sand!

Playing in the water!

My little artist!

At the Castle in Gardara!

Now I just needed a lock, so I could do some shopping :)

Taking a break!

The kids footprints in the sand!

We made it to the lighthouse!

Heading home with a front seat on the double decker bus!!!

She already has her art out and we weren't even moving yet!!

All cozy in the front of the bus!