Monday, June 15, 2015

Middle to End of May 2015!!!

May 16th Alyssa had her first and only softball game in Vicenza, Italy.  I love watching her play!!!
On the 17th after church we decided to go see the movie Home!

May 18th was out last Dave Ramsey Class, I learned a lot by taking this class and I highly recommend anyone taking it!

The 20th the kids and I attended the Southern Wesleyan University Singers performance at the Base Chapel.

May 21st I attended Hannah's Study Trip to the Gelindo Farm, I went to this same place earlier in the school year with Alyssa.  I love that they switch it up depending on the age.  Hannah's group made cheese and butter, along with seeing all the animals, going on a horse and buggy ride, ect...
Hannah with half her class!

Hannah and I on the bus!!!
The 23rd we went on our first ITT trip to Volterra & San Gimignano in the Tuscany region of Italy!!!  More pictures to come!!!

May 24th after church we went exploring at San Floriano Park and later that evening went to see the movie Tomorrowland at the Base Theater!

Here the kids are on the Barefoot Path!

On the 27th the kids and I attended a Ice Cream & Hot Dog Social for deployed families and I won this amazing basket of goodies!!!  Please remember nothing on facebook about Bill being gone!
The 28th I attended both Hannah and Daniel's FLES (Spanish) performance at the school.
Daniel and his classmates!
Daniel and his dance partner!

Hannah and her dance partner!

Hannah and her class!
May 29th we attended the squadron picnic and later that evening I brought Hannah and Daniel to Give Parents a Break while I went to Alyssa's game under the lights!!!
Alyssa's Team minus two of the girls.
Look at that batting face...
And we have the winners the Orange Tigers!!!

The 30th  we spent the morning on the baseball fields and the afternoon at the pool for the  Base Pool Luau

.  The 31st we went to church and attended a birthday party of one of Hannah's friends at Bosomatto

Hair is cut for the summer!!!

Three fresh haircuts!!!

Hannah got quite a bit cut off!

Alyssa went pretty short as well, especially in the the back!

He was definitely in need of a haircut!

Beginning to Middle of May 2015

We began May with a Family Day on the 1st!  I took the kids to see the new Avengers movie in 3D at the base theater!

May 2nd we spent another Saturday at the ball field!
May 3rd we went to church, out for lunch and bowling with one of Hannah's friends and ended the evening with the Awana awards ceremony and dinner!
The 4th to the 8th was Teacher Appreciation week at the kids school!  They had fun bring things in for their teachers all week!!!

May 6th I went on Daniel's first study trip of the year to an Agriturismo, where they made bread, had a picnic and fed the animals!!!
Friday, May 8th we had a last minute sleepover with one of Alyssa's friends!  The girls had a great time and Alyssa even got to spend a lot of the next day with her as well!

The 9th after baseball and softball games we spent the evening with the Weber family!  They had a spring BBQ, it was lots of fun!!!

The 10th was Mother's Day and here I am with all my goodies from the kids!!!
May 12th I went on Daniel's second Study Trip of the year to the Aviano Market and then to eat at Casabianca.  Afterwards I headed over to the Aviano Summer Travel Fair.
Daniel with some of the girls from his class!
Here the kids are next to the famous Italian "Poppies"!

May 15th I went on another one of Alyssa's Study Trips to the Spaghetti House in Aviano where they all got to help in the pizza making process!  The evening ended with Hannah and Daniel attending their first school dance and Alyssa and I going to the Bazaar!
Here are the CARS!  (Corrine, Alyssa, Reagan, and Sifanni)
These two had a great time!!!
Check out this awesome guy!!!

After the dance!