Wednesday, May 27, 2015

April 2015 Middle to End update...

April 16th I attended the Aviano Volunteer Recognition Social where I received a Gold Presidential Award for my 500+ volunteer hours last year (2014)!

 Friday the 17th I helped out with the Book Fair again and Bill and I had lunch with Alyssa!  We spent the evening together just hanging out, enjoying our last few hours with Bill before his first deployment in eight years began.  If you are reading this nothing on facebook please as I don't want everyone to know he is gone.  I mainly do this blog for the kids to have when they grow up and for our family members that are not on facebook.  Our blog goes all the way back to when Alyssa was born!  There is a gap when I started facebook, but I plan to continue this!!!

Early on the 18th Bill headed out and this began our busy day with the kids first baseball games.  Hannah and Daniel, then Alyssa had a game, during Alyssa's game I had to bring Hannah over to the BX for her Spanish class (FLES) performance for month of the military child!  It was a busy day, but it kept our minds off Bill leaving and the wait to hear that he made it to his first location.
Check out this cutie!!!
The 19th was a usual Sunday with church in the morning and Awana in the evening!  The kids really enjoy ushering at church!  I am so glad that they are willing to help out!

The 20th began School Spirit week for the kids!!  I guess I missed Jersey Day because I can't find a picture of them :(
Wacky Day!

Camo Day!

What I want to be when I grow up day.  Alyssa-teacher, Hannah-hair stylist, and Daniel-teacher!!!

Patriotic Day!!!
The 22nd we attended the Member Appreciation Dinner at the La Bella Vista Club!!!

23rd of April I attending my first Honor Roll Assembly for Alyssa, it turns out this is a big deal!  I will try not miss another one of these!!!
So proud of this girl!!!  A Honor Roll and a Principal's Award!!!
The 24th I attend Counter Training at the Chapel office, so I can help with counting the offering after church!  This evening the kids and I attended the PTA Carnival and they all had a great time hanging out with friends!
The 25th we spent most of the day at the ball field between baseball and softball games!  Afterwards we checked out the Flea Market on base.  That evening we headed over to the Weber's for a BBQ get together, the food was pretty awesome!!!
Check out these uniforms!!!

Sunday the 26th after church I did the counting of the offering, it brought memories back of working at the Credit Union in Grand Forks.  The kids had Store Night at Awana and Alyssa started to come down with a bit of a bug and stayed home the next day.

The 27th while Alyssa was stuck home sick Hannah and Daniel were able to attend a Mock Deployment on the Flight line through Deployment Club at school.  They had a great time and want to do it again!!!
The 29th a Wednesday, Alyssa was able to spend the night at a friends house, so she was with them in the morning to head out on her Study Trip to Venice at 6:30 in the morning.

Alyssa was gone all day the 30th and got home around 5:30 pm from Venice.  I was a bit sad to miss out on this Study Trip with her.  I was able to attend a Parent Information Meeting at the school to talk about Common Core math.  I have a lot to learn about this...more to come for May!!!

Enjoy the city/beach of Jesolo!!!

We will be spending some time in Jesolo this summer as we have season passes to Sea Life and they have a beach!!!  We just have to figure out where to park closer to the beach with our big van!!!
Enjoying some gelato!!!

Goofing off!!!

Finding seashells!

Drawing in the sand!

Dad and Daniel walking on the beach!

Taking a break!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our first family trip to Sea Life Jesolo!!! (April 8th, 2015)

Everyone had a great time!

Daniel and Hannah checking out the fish!

Waiting for feeding time!!!

Sea Life Jesolo

Here are some of the highlights of Sea Life!

The kids had a great time checking out everything at Sea Life!

Sea Life is a smaller aquarium, but all three of my kiddos had a great time!

We are excited to go back!!!

An annual pass is 29 euro for adults and 20 euro for children!

Shark egg!

We ended up getting a season pass to Sea Life in Jesolo as it is near the beach and only an hour from Aviano!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Family trip to Parco Natura Viva (April 2015)

Everyone had a great time!!! I just wish we had time to do the Safari part...