Thursday, February 26, 2015

Our trip to Palmanova, Italy!!! (February 14th, 2015)

Hanging out in the city center!
I love how this one turned out!!!

If you look behind the kids and I you can see of the two entrance/exits of the city!

Up on the city wall edge!

The kids by one of the entrances to the city!

Look it's Frankenstein!!!

A lot of different tunnels to explore outside the city!!!

This is how Bill and I spent our 11th Anniversary, checking out Palmanova the fortress city!!!

Palmanova, Italy the star-shaped fortress town!!!

This is by far one of the neatest cities we have been to, the best part was the walking paths around the outside of the city!

One of the two entrances to the city!

Tools that were used to make the city!

Another view from the center of the city!

Best part of our trip there the walking paths around the outside of the city!!!

Piancavallo (February 7th)

This is the most snow the kids have gotten to play in since we moved to Italy and it was tons of fun making new sledding paths.  It was a lot of work, but everyone had a great time!!!

Daniel even had a great time this time!!!

Check out the beautiful view!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

First Half of February update!

I haven't had an update for a while, so I figured I would fill you all in.  We are all doing great!  Hannah started Cooking Club on the 29th of January and will continue this club for four weeks.  She is enjoying it very much along with Baton.  Alyssa took the NAEP test ( on the 29th as well.
Hannah with her gnocchi she made at Cooking Club!
January 30th we had our first sleepover at our house in Italy with the Weber kids.  They spent the night and the next day with us.  Pictures in the post below this one!

We have started ushering at church as a family, the kids love it!  We even got to pass out Communion one week and the kids thought that was just great!  I love that they are getting involved in volunteering, especially since it is at the chapel!!!

February 2nd I had Daniel's first parent/teachers conference with Ms. Raymond!  He is a "high flier" in his class as his teacher calls him!  Daniel is now in a multi-age class with both kindergarten and 1st grade.  He is doing great, I just hope he is challenged next year since he is mostly doing 1st grade work right now.

February 4th along with my regular Bible study, we have started every Wednesday attending an evening Bible study.  Bill and I are doing "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" and the kids are doing the "Gospel Project".  I love that we are all learning more about the Lord!

February 6th Daniel had a basketball game and I got to participate in my first PWOC Game Night!  It was nice to get out with a couple ladies.  We chatted, played a game and headed over to the Spaghetti House for coffee!  It was nice to get to know a couple more people a little better one on one!  I had a great time!!!
Daniel in action at his game!!!
February 7th Alyssa had another basketball game and we went up the mountain to enjoy the brand new two plus feet of snow.  We got to make brand new tracks and had a lot of fun in the deep snow!!!  The girls each brought a friend!
Alyssa in action on the court!!!

Bill and all the kids heading up to the sledding hill!!!
This past week brought sickness into the house.  Bill started it on Wednesday evening with feeling cold and achy.  Hannah came down with the bug on Thursday evening, so she had to miss her Valentine's Party on Friday.  Lastly and I hope he is the last one to get it, but this morning Daniel came down with the bug, so he and Bill had to miss church this morning.  So far Alyssa and I are the only ones that have not gotten it and I am hoping it stays that way.  Good thing my Young Living Golden Touch kit arrived on the 12th, so I could oil everyone up!  We are loving the oils!!!

February 14th, yesterday, after Alyssa's game everyone was well and we went to Palmanova, Italy.  It is known as the Star-Shaped Fortress Town, probably the most unique city we have ever visited!!!  More pictures to come...
Here is Alyssa again, I love watching her games!

Life is good and we hope you all are doing well!!!
Don't forget to check out my new blog, it is still in the making!  or even checkout and "like" my A Simple Life facebook page
Have an awesome long weekend!!!  The kids have both Monday and Tuesday off, so I hope we are all feeling better tomorrow.  I was hoping to get out and explore a new place!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Our fun day with the Weber kids!!!

We have known the Webers since we were in San Antonio!!!  We are super excited that we get to spend the next couple years hanging out with them!

Off for a walk to the park and around town!

Love these kiddos!!!

So silly!!!

These three ended up in the wagon for the last half a mile!  That's pretty good for a 5+ mile walk!

We ended our fun day with cocoa!!!

Daniel's first basketball game!!!

Pass the ball!

Daniel has a whole lot of energy during a game!  I am so excited to see his next one!!!

Alyssa's first basketball gamea!!!

Alyssa in action!!!

Hannah and Daniel's Birthday Party!!!

Here is the majority of the kids!!!  There were 25 kids and 17 adults!!!

Opening presents!

Opening presents

So this is the first time we have had a dual birthday party for the kids.  I like for the kids to have their own special day, but Daniel and Hannah begged Bill and I to let them have it together this year and it worked out to be a total success!!!