Friday, July 27, 2012

Rib Fest 2012 Fargo, ND!!!

Alyssa earned $6!!!

Hannah earned $9!!!

Daniel got scared and they gave him $6 anyway!!!

Our family at the races!!! Grand Forks, ND

The kids first time at the races!!!


 The girls first pedicures!!!
Hanging out with my mom and sister!!!

Celebrating Bill making Master Sergeant!!!

The kids with Great-Grandma Evangeline and Great-Grandpa Donald!!!

I love this picture!!!

In Nebraska with the Iverson boys!!!

 Yogurt time!!!!
All dressed up!!!!

Last day of Pre-K 4!!!

Hannah with Mrs. Silvin and Mrs. Berg!!!

Last Day of Awana 2011-2012

 Here I am with most of my Puggles class, just missing the twins.
 Daniel's last day of Puggles!!!!
 Hannah completed her book and last day of Cubbies!!!!
Alyssa completed her book and moving on to her last year of Sparks!!!

Saturday Morning Discovery Class

 Mosaic Art