Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My six year old Alyssa!!!

It's hard to believe Alyssa is already 6 years old.

Mom's birthday-34 years old!!!

Me with my babies!!!

The Complete Moteberg Great-Grand Children so far!!!

Youngest to Oldest
Owen, Daniel, Mary, Hannah, Luke, Alyssa, Carmen & Nicholas

The kids with Honey BuzzBee at the Garden Center!!!

The Kids and Mom at the Botanical Gardens!!!

A visit from Auntie, Uncle Pete & Baby Owen!!!

Nichole & the kids!!!

Uncle Pete & Hannah checking out the hippos at the San Antonio Zoo!!!!

The kids with Owen

The kids with Auntie, Uncle & Owen on the Riverwalk!!!

Nichole & Daniel at Little Sprouts!!!

The kids with Owen at the Witte Museum!!!

Owen & Daniel playing in the water:o)

More water!!!

Nichole & Owen with the kids at the Botanical Gardens!!!

The Girl's Spring Soccer picture!!!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Hannah Ellen!!!

Hannah Ellen (4 years old)

More of the kids (January 2011)

At the Witte Museum!!!

Feeding the ducks!!!

A visit from Grandma & Grandpa Moteberg (Jan. 2011)

At the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo!!!

At the Witte Museum!!!

At the duck pond!!!

Down by the Riverwalk!!!

Waiting for the Longhorn parade to start!!!