Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day trip to Trier

The gang minus me.

The gang minus Daniel and myself.

Daddy & Daniel

Alyssa & Uncle Pat

Daddy & Sleeping Hannah

Uncle Pat and Daniel

Lac de la Gileppe-Belgium

The kids and I by the dam.

Brenda and the girls by the dam.

Uncle Pat and the girls by the dam.

The dam.

This lion statue was amazing and you can see how big it is by comparing Hannah to it.

Aardennes Outlet Mall-Belgium

Brenda and I with the girls.

Part of the outlet mall we went to in Belgium.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our day at Cascade Pool!!!

The girls and Daniel.

Hannah going down the slide.

Daniel going down the slide.

Alyssa going head first down the slide.

Playing in the water!!!

Hannah, Brenda, & Alyssa

Brenda & Daniel

Uncle Pat & Daniel playing in the water.

Storytime at the Library!!!

The girls with Mrs. Anna

Mrs. Anna reading to all the kids.

Daniel taking a break from pulling all the DVD's off the shelves.

Doing a craft with Uncle Pat & Brenda!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Our guests have arrived!!!

Pat, Daniel, & Brenda eating grasshoppers!!!

Uncle Pat reading Hannah a book.

Brenda & Alyssa reading a book.
Brenda and Pat flew in last Wednesday and will be spending a couple weeks with us before we all fly back together!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daniel's favorite entertainment!!!

So, Daniel recently decided that this is a lot of fun having his sister pushing him around in his truck.

A couple random pictures...

Daniel at the bowling alley.

Hannah's fruit collage she made.

Alyssa all dressed up!!!

Daniel Man!!!

Playgroup pictures!!!!

Hannah with her friend Carmen.

Daniel and Anthony

Daniel & Aiden

Daniel & Carlan


Daniel and his girlfriend Regan.

Daniel & Will

Bunkbeds for two weeks!!!!

The girls were thrilled to have bunk beds for the next two weeks until we leave for the states. They take turns sleeping on the top bunk and play up there all the time. Check out that ladder than Grandpa Gruenes made, it is so much better/safer than the one that came with it!!!

Last time in the Attic...

Daddy & Daniel

The Girls.
So, last Sunday we cleaned out the attic, it is officially empty. Now our bedroom is quite a mess.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Daniel dancing/spinning!!! (Video)

This is one of my favorite videos of Daniel.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some random pictures of the kids!!!

Another Christmas Gift in January!!!!

Mashing bananas for banana bread!!!

Alyssa pulling Daniel around.

Daddy reading the girls a book.


Me too!!!!

Playing dress up!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pictures of Friends!!!!!!!!

The girls with Emma.

The girls with Emma & Tracy.

The girls with Emma & Tracy.

Emma, Hannah & Daniel

The girls with Emma eating lunch.

Eating breakfast with Emma.

Alyssa & Emma on the rocking cow.

Well, we rang in the new year with four children. Alyssa & Hannah's best friend Emma's Mom (Allison) called us to see if we could take her overnight so she could go to the hospital to get checked out. At the time she was 23 weeks pregnant and not feeling well at all. We kept Emma for five days as Emma's Dad (Will) was deployed. Allison ended up having surgery and by the way is doing well and they finally sent Will home. The girls loved having Emma here and are going to miss her very much.