Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Alyssa & her new trike!!!

Here is a video of Alyssa riding her new trike.
She just loves it and wants to ride it every day.
So, we didn't get a third strike for her birthday present!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our newest niece...

Sarah Ellen was born on April 25th.
She falls in line as grand baby #18, including step grand children she would be #21.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just the girls...

Alyssa's 3 year pictures

Alyssa is turning into a little model.
She did such a great job with her pictures!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our little model...

I took the girls to the Beautiful Baby Photo shoot today. They also had a kids carnival, both of the girls had a blast with all the activities. Here is Hannah playing in the rice. She had fun throwing it on the floor.

The girls...

Rocking together.

Playing with the balloons.

Cutie pies!!!

Alyssa reading Hannah her favorite books
"Patch the Puppy".

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa M.

Going for a walk with Grandma.

Pulling Hannah in the wagon.

Watching TV with Grandma.

Giving Grandpa kisses!!!

Reading a book with Grandpa.

The girls and I have spent the past two weekends with my parents, as Bill has been on 12 hour shifts and has been very busy with the class he is taking. We are ready for Saturday to get here, so we can spend some time with Daddy!!!

Alyssa Nikay...

Wearing her pirate hat!!!


Goofy girl!!!

Hannah Ellen...

After sitting in the wet grass outside.

Fast asleep!!!

Watching Dora while sitting the book basket. She was just swinging her little legs with her one sock on.

The girls in their new rain gear!!!

Our adorable girls!!!

Hannah Ellen

Alyssa Nikay

Thanks Great-Aunt Deb & Great-Uncle Jim!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The girls...

Watching the neighbor boys on their trampoline.
I thought they were going to stay there all day.

Playing with a balloon

Hannah Ellen


With her balloon bouquets!!!

Wearing her new sweat suit and doodling on her new doodle bear.

Hanging out with cousins!!!

Eating supper.

Stella & Sam helping Alyssa open up her last present.

Stella, Alyssa & Hannah reading books.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Alyssa and her Dora cake!!!

Pre-Party/Party snapshots

Alyssa decorating cupcakes with Grandma G.

Alyssa playing dress up with Auntie & Uncle.

Alyssa having a snack.

Alyssa with some of her friends.

Opening presents!!!

Bouncey Castle

Going in.

Climbing up.

At the top.

I made it!!!
Lets do it again.

Hannah Ellen

This is how Hannah thinks she needs to help with the dishes. It was the first and last time she did this.

Helping Mom vacuum the stairs.

Hannah just loves to help me vacuum, every time I take it out she just lights right up and is right there to help.

Playing outside in her pj's.