Friday, February 29, 2008


Sandy & Hannah

Alyssa bowling

Alyssa & Sandy deep in conversation over Cheetos.

Grandma & Hannah sharing onion rings.

John & Hannah eating Cheetos.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grumpy Alyssa:o(

Just look at that face.
Shortly after cake the girls went down for well needed naps.

Cake eating pictures

Hannah with her cake!!!
She instantly started eating the frosting.

Licking her plate clean!!!

All done!!!

Hannah eating her birthday cake!!!

I wish I had started video taping when she first started, but of course I wasn't quite ready with the camera. She was just shoveling the cake into her mouth. Here is what I got. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Birthday Party Snapshots

Breanna, Hannah & Alyssa

Hannah & her balloons

Hannah sitting on John.

Opening presents

Alyssa helping Hannah open presents.

Alyssa & Grandma

All dressed up,
And ready to go shopping!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Hannah!!!

First piece of cake on her own!!!

Enjoying the cake!!!

All done with the cake.
She didn't even get very messy. Maybe she will get a little more messy with her cake on Saturday at her birthday party.

Playing with the tunnel

Checking it out.

Crawling through.

Playing with sis.

Hannah opening her first present...

"Happy Birthday"
From Mommy, Daddy & Alyssa
Hannah had her 12 month well-baby check today and she weighed in at 21 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 31 inches long. I just got done looking in her baby book and realized that she has actually lost weight since she was weighed two months ago. I guess she is just losing her baby fat and getting taller.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Alyssa & Hannah...

Blowing bubbles!!!

Playing in the tub!!!

Opening Valentines presents from NaNa & PaPa M.
"Look matching swimming suits!!!"

"Look at us in our hats"

First visit to the dentist

Just look at our big girl waiting for the dentist, while she watches Dora. Unfortunately we had to bring Hannah to the dentist before she was two and a half. We noticed on the Sunday prior that she had some discoloration on her bottom front two teeth. Which turned out to just be staining thank goodness, they just scraped it off and put some fluoride on her teeth. They told us that some children's teeth stain easier than others and that she wouldn't need to be seen again until she was two, unless the staining got bad again.

Hannah Ellen...

Just Grandpa & Me.

Our little puppy carrying her sock around in her mouth.

"Look at my big girl toothbrush!!!"

Fell asleep in the van while watching Dora.

Sitting in Sis's Dora chair.

Playing "peek".

Just look at those beautiful blue eyes.

Look at that grin, while she has herself wrapped in Sis's necklace.

Alyssa Nikay...

Watching a movie.

Playing a game of soccer.

Tea anyone?

How cute is this picture?

Getting her hair combed by Daddy.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Girls

Here is another picture that Stephanie enhanced for us.
Thanks, Steph!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

The girls in the tub...

Blowing bubbles in the water.
Take notice of Hannah pushing Alyssa with her head. Hannah's our little bully.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Here are our little cuties!!!
Bill and I brought the girls to the Escape Zone for picture day last Tuesday. The lady that took the pictures did a great job. I was really impressed, I can't wait until the next one. They were doing a Valentine's Day theme. All the pictures taken were put on a disk for us to take home.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Alyssa & Daddy's puppet show

Alyssa & Daddy's Baby Einstein puppet show singing
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hannah Ellen

Sorry this video got kind of dark, but it's still cute!!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

You gotta love this one!!!

Our niece Stephanie enhanced this picture for us and it is just adorable!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Bath Time!!!

Hannah just loves bath time!!!
Especially when her big sis splashes with her.

Here is a video of Alyssa from 10 months ago.