Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Alyssa started gymnastics the beginning of June.

Playing with the parachute.

Hanging on the bar.

Straddle legs.

Waiting to go into the foam pit.


Getting on the trampoline.

Tree stand.

Sitting on a star.

Getting ready to cross the monkey bars.

Waiting for stamps.

Ta Da!!!


MarJenna & Marissa came to Grand Forks to go to the Martina McBride concert with Nichole and I. Then they spent the next day at my house hanging out with the girls. It was nice to have visitors at our house.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Alyssa & Hannah

Ever since I got the girls pictures done together Alyssa seems to think that she should hold Hannah like this all the time. She even pulled Hannah from her tummy up like this when I had my back turned to her and she got her all the way up too. And Hannah is only about 9 pounds lighter than Alyssa.

Feeding sis.

Hannah practicing sitting up. Alyssa thinks it is great when Hannah is sitting.


So serious.

First time with a sippy cup and she did pretty good.

Playing with her toes.

Waking up from a nap.

Hannah got her first tooth on the 21st of this month, when she was exactly 5 months old. I think there are more coming because she has been drooling like crazy.


Blowing bubbles.

Playing the drums. Daddy taught Alyssa that.

Airplane ride!!!

Riding her bike after swimming in the pool.

Working hard...

Alyssa decorating her smock shirt for messy activities.

Alyssa in her cool smock all finished and dried.

Big smiles...

Hannah just loves her saucer. Can you tell???

Big Airplanes...

Alyssa gets so excited when we drive by the airplanes that I decided that we would walk all the way to the front of the base just so she could see them, stand by them & touch them. We use to live right by the front gate, but now we live half way across the base.

Crossing the bridge to see the other airplane and the missile.

Alyssa & Hannah in front of the big airplane.

Our Girls...

Hannah just woke up for the day. Alyssa is always in Hannah's room as soon as she hears her in the morning or after Hannah takes a nap. Alyssa is a awesome big sister.

The girls by the front gate. We took a walk up there, so Alyssa could see the big airplanes.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The last of the Fertile Fair pictures...

Alyssa, Mommy & Hannah

Hannah chillin in the back of the van.

Aunt LaVonne and Alyssa with Alyssa's medal from the fashion show.

Alyssa sitting in Hannah's part of the stroller.

NaNa, Alyssa & Auntie sharing a corndog.

Hannah taking in everything around her.

Alyssa & NaNa looking at the rabbits.

Alyssa & Auntie sitting in the front of the van.

Feeding the calf...

Alyssa feeding the calf with PaPa and Uncle Bruce. She thought that was the greatest thing ever.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Riding the horse at the fair!!!

Alyssa wasn't to sure about the horses at the fair until the ride began, then she absolutely loved it.

Once the ride was over Alyssa was very upset that she had to get off the horse. I think it was the highlight of her day.

4-H Fashion Show (Fertile Fair)

MarJenna, Alyssa & Marissa

Alyssa in her adorable dress that Marissa made for her for the fashion show.

Alyssa & Marissa being escorted down the walkway!!!

Hannah @ the Fertile Fair...

Hannah & PaPa

Hannah & Auntie

Hannah & NaNa