Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sisterly Love...

Alyssa giving Hannah a big hug.

Playing in her pool...

Alyssa playing in her pool

Hannah Ellen...

Hannah in her new Bumbo chair.
Go Sioux~!!!

Just look at that adorable smile!!!

Hannah had her 4 month well-baby check up on the 21st of June.
She weighed in at 16 lbs. 5 oz. and 25 inches long. She is in the 95th-97th percentile for weight and 75th-90th percentile for her length. She is growing like a weed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Our Family...

Mommy and her girls.
Hannah rolled over for the first time on the 16th of June from her belly to her back and she has done it one more time since then.

Daddy and Alyssa camping out on the floor and sharing a pillow.

Alyssa in her new pj's.

The Girls...

All dressed up for church.

Tea anyone

Cutie Pie

Playin on the floor.

Hiding out in the cupboard.

Auntie & Alyssa


Hannah & Mommy



She worked her way under the chair. She likes to move around on her back.

Who does Alyssa look like?

For some reason I think Alyssa looks like my Mom in this picture.

Trying to take a nap...

Hannah, Alyssa and Mommy.

Making cookies!!!

Rolling out the dough.

Alyssa with all her different shaped cookies.

The Girls...

First bath together!!!

So serious.

Hannah's first time at the pool!!!
Both girls had a blast!!!

Making brownies!!!

Mommy and Alyssa making brownies.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Congratulations, Daddy...

The girls and I went to Bill's promotion ceremony where he put on Tech Sergeant. Alyssa and I went up and Alyssa punched his stripe on. She was so adorable.

Our little princess...

Hannah all dressed up with her little tongue hanging out.

The Girls...

One of Hannah's first times in her saucer.

Alyssa sitting in her Dora chair.

Where's Alyssa???

There she is!!!
We have started playing hide-n-seek with Alyssa,
so she is all about hiding and having us finding her.

The Girls...

Alyssa rocking Hannah to sleep. She is such a big helper sometimes.

Visiting Great-Grandma Klein

Hannah's first visit to see Great-Grandma Klein.

Great-Grandma, Daddy, Hannah & Alyssa.
What a cute picture!!!


PaPa, Alyssa & Bear playing in the yard.

Sandy & Hannah

John & Alyssa

Daddy & Hannah

Auntie Kiesha & Hannah

Alyssa & Sam

Alyssa dancing!!!

Alyssa & Sam playing with the bean bag toss.

Sam & Alyssa climbing to the slide.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Mixing pudding.

Licking the wisk.

Eating her pudding.

Helping Grandma...

Making bread with Grandma, pouring the flour.

Grandpa, Alyssa, & Grandma with Alyssa's bread that she made.

How big is Hannah???

So Big!!!

Cutie Pie

Hannah Ellen smiling!!!