Friday, April 20, 2007


Just look at that adorable smile!!!
Hannah started cooing last week and now this week she started smiling.
At her 2 month well-baby check up on Monday Hannah weighed 12 lbs. 5 oz. and measured about 22 1/2 inches long.

Hannah playing on the floor.

Phone call, Alyssa...

Alyssa talking to Uncle Pete on the phone.
He called just to talk to her!!!

Making cookies!!!

Alyssa & Daddy spent Saturday morning making cookies.
I think Alyssa favorite part was eating the cookie dough!!!

A visit from Uncle Pat...

Alyssa & Uncle Pat

Uncle Pat, Alyssa & Daddy playing with playdough!!!


Hannah all ready to go for her first walk outside.

Thank you...

Alyssa just wanted to thank everyone for all the great birthday presents and for coming to her birthday party to help us celebrate her special day.

Happy Easter, Hannah...

Hannah ready to get into her carseat to go to Great-Aunt Karen's house.

Breanna & Hannah

Brenda & Hannah

Great-Uncle Jim & Hannah

Happy Easter, Alyssa...

Alyssa eating her Easter candy.

Breanna, Alyssa & Alec playing on the computer.

Alyssa in her Easter dress from Cousin Sandy.

The Girls...


Alyssa loves to hold Hannah.


Alyssa looking at the computer, she loves to watch the picture slide show that we have as our screensaver.

Alyssa playing on her slide in the basement.



Hannah sitting in Alyssa's Dora chair.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Alyssa...

Alyssa & Mommy made cupcakes the day of her birthday and she got to decorate them with sprinkles. We had lots of fun.

This is a picture of Alyssa telling me see is two years old.

Look at me...

Alyssa looking out over the balcony in our new house.

More Baptism snapshots...

Grandma M, Hannah & Grandpa M

Grandma G & Alyssa

Mommy & Hannah

Daddy, Hannah, & Mommy


Cousin Sandy & Hannah

Uncle Nathan & Hannah

Hannah's Baptism

Pastor John Fick and Hannah

Sandy (Godmother), Mommy, Hannah, Daddy, & Nathan (Godfather)

April 1, 2007
Grandpa M, Grandma M, Mommy, Hannah, Daddy,
Grandma G, & Grandpa G

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Alyssa's Birthday Party...

Eating beans for lunch.

Happy 2nd birthday, Alyssa!!!

Opening presents.

Opening more presents.

Alyssa & Tristan playing with the cow bubble maker.

Mommy & The Girls...

Alyssa, Hannah & Mommy

The Girls...

Baby doll, Hannah & Alyssa

Alyssa holding Hannah, she is very proud.

Playing in a box...

I just love this picture of Alyssa.

Happy Birthday, Mommy...

We went to eat with my parents and my sister at the Texas Roadhouse to celebrate my 30th birthday. When we got home we tried to get a picture of me a picture of me and both of the girls, but Alyssa doesn't want to get her picture taken much anymore.

Our blue eyed girl...

She is so beautiful and precious!!!

Daddy and his Girls...


Alyssa and Mommy...

Vacuuming the house.

Making cookies!!!

More kisses from Sis...

Alyssa is kissing Hannah all the time, she loves her little sister very much.