Monday, December 31, 2007

Opening presents..

From Mommy & Daddy

"Look at my Little People"

"Look it's Dora"

See my tattoo

Just like Uncle Nate!!!

Helping Daddy...

Brush his teeth.

What's wrong with this picture???

Alyssa figured out that she can climb into and out of Hannah's crib. Now that is the cool place to be while Mommy is feeding Hannah her bottles.

First real meal!!!

After having her first meal of spaghetti, Hannah no longer eats any baby food that has meat or vegetables in it. She just has what we are eating.

The snow fort...

Daddy & Alyssa hiding out in the snow fort that they built together.

Our Christmas Stockings

Watching Sis get a bath


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Goofy Hannah Banana

Enjoy the video!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Our Christmas Tree!!!

The girls in front of the Christmas tree
with their Santa hats on.

Mommy getting the lights ready.

Daddy and the girls putting the lights on the
Christmas tree.

Visiting Santa again!!!

Alyssa with Santa.

Hannah & Santa.
We brought the girls to visit Santa at the Base Library. They got to have cookies and make stockings to hang in the Library also.

Hannah Ellen...

First time climbing up on the stool, she thought she was pretty cool-grinning from ear to ear.

"Go Sioux"

Playing with Mommy and Daddy's mirror, she loves looking at herself.

Playing with the nativity scene that is under our tree.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!

Daddy with the girls and his birthday cake that Alyssa & I made for him.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!


Wearing Daddy's hat and Hannah's socks on her hands for her claws.

Hanging out in her fort.

Wearing Daddy's work jacket.

Hannah Ellen...

Cleaning out the cupboard.

Under the computer chair.

Crawling naked under her bouncey chair to get underneath the table in her room. Hannah is always getting into small spaces. I think we need to get her a long tunnel to crawl through.

Taking a snooze...

Daddy & Hannah at Grandma & Grandpa's house.

Going to visit Santa

Hannah & Alyssa

Alyssa with her reindeer food.

Alyssa checking out the Christmas tree.

The girls with Santa!!!

Alyssa wasn't even scared this year. She did a great job sitting in Santa's lap. Last year she didn't want anything to do with him. It is amazing how much can change in a year.

First Christmas presents this year!!!

Presents from Tyler & Emma!!!

Look what I got!!!

Me too!!!

Thank you for the great presents Kristi, Chris, Tyler & Emma.

Alyssa Nikay

Sitting on the chair arm, naughty, naughty.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Little Girl...

Here is Hannah after having the flu for a week straight. She was throwing up five of the seven days. We brought her to urgent care after 2 1/2 days of it as the nurse in peds wanted to make sure she wasn't dehydrated. We were sent home and told to keep doing what we were doing as she was just fine. We brought her in on the 7th of December to get the other half of her flu shot, like the first half helped. While we were there we had her weighed, she weighed in at 19 lbs. 8oz. So, she lost about a pound as she weighed 20 lbs. 4 oz. at her 9 month well-baby check up two weeks before.

Alyssa got the flu the day after Hannah and was better the next day. Bill got it on Wednesday, his lasted about a day also. I never actually got the vomiting part, but started having stomach pain the day Hannah was completely better. Mine just never turned into anything. I felt so bad for Hannah as she got the worst of it and she is the youngest. Alyssa never let it get her down, she is a trooper. We are all feeling better now!!! Thank goodness.

Making cookies!!!

Here is a picture of Mommy & Alyssa making molasses cookies, rolling them into balls then rolling them in sugar with pink sprinkles.

First visit to the dentist

Here is Alyssa sitting in the chair at the dentist office watching Dora on the wall and the ceiling. She did a great job until she found out that they were going to give her strawberry toothpaste. She then refused to open her mouth, as most of you know Alyssa does not eat any kind of fruit. It all turned out okay once they switched to mint toothpaste. She had a very enjoyable experience and wants to go back again!!! She was a very big girl!!!

Snow again...

We got a lot of snow in a short amount of time and Alyssa just loves playing in it.

Hannah Ellen

Here is Hannah waving a little at the beginning and playing with her lip. She wasn't feeling the best as she had gotten the flu the night before.


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Playing in the snow

Alyssa going down the slide in the snow.

The girls


Peek a boo

Another sideways video, sorry. I forget when I am taping and think of it afterwards.

Playing in the cupboard...

Hannah Ellen

Alyssa Nikay

Alyssa has officially taught her sister how to clean out a cupboard, so they can sit in it and play.

Hannah Ellen

Playing under the saucer. She loves tunnels or anything enclosed.

Our Outside Girl...

All bundled up!!!

Going for a sled ride. I think Alyssa was outside three different times this day alone. She loves being outside and playing in the snow.

Daddy and the Girls

Wrestling around!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Playing with the saucer

Alyssa is quite the character. She knows how to make her little sis happy.



Getting Daddy's water for work.

Hanging out in Alyssa's bed

Alyssa is always playing in her bed with all her stuffed animals. She has new stuffed animals in her bed every night when I put her to bed. She has a great imagination.

Mommy and her girls...

All ready for bed.