Saturday, October 21, 2006

Alyssa and Auntie KoKo...

Here is Alyssa digging everything out of Auntie's purse. Including all of Auntie's money and credit cards, she is very smart I trained her myself!!!


Here is Alyssa carrying around Auntie KoKo's Coke. She licked all over the top of the can then gave it to Auntie. Thank goodness Alyssa doesn't care for any kind of pop. She gets grossed out from it and spits it out.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This picture is just too cute...

I don't normally let Alyssa sleep with any stuffed animals. I made an exception this time and once she was sleeping I took it from her. I just couldn't resist getting a picture of her with her bear from PaPa and NaNa Gruenes. She normally just sleeps with her baby doll and her two blankets.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Alyssa's new winter jacket...

Here is Alyssa in her new winter jacket, it also came with snowpants. It is a little to big, but perfect to fit her all winter long, I hope!!! I can't believe that she is already moving on to size 24 months. I remember when I said that she would never fit into size 18 months, now she is growing out of them. That was looking at a size 18 months when she didn't even fit in preemie clothes yet, it is just crazy how fast they grow.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Here is Alyssa coloring up on the counter top. She has been favoring her left hand with coloring and eating. Now today she started feeding herself with her right hand instead of her left, so I'm not sure which hand she is going to use. She is not suppose to favor a hand quite yet anyway, so she is still trying both of them out.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back to the Pumpkin Patch with Mommy...

This pumpkin was as big as Alyssa!!!
Alyssa in the corn maze. She was not very excited about this, every time the wind blew and the corn stalk made noise she got upset. I ended up carrying her through the whole thing.
Alyssa on her first hay ride!!! She had a blast looking at the horses, the fields and having the wind blow through her hair. As soon as the tractor started up she sat right down with me and thought it was just the greatest thing!!!

Playing in the sink...

Here is Alyssa playing in the sink after washing her hands. Another thing that I forgot to tell everyone is that Alyssa no long uses her binky (pacifier). I decided that now that she is a year and a half that it is time to get rid of it. So, I just took all of them and put them away, it has now been over a week and she doesn't seem to miss it. She only used it at bedtime and naptime anyway.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


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Alyssa spent the afternoon collecting ladybugs in her hand. They were all dead of course once she picked them up, but she had a great time doing it. I also forgot to tell all of you that Alyssa peed in her potty chair the last two nights after her bath. I was so excited, so we are going to try work with that a little more after naps and get her more use to it. At least I now know that she has an interest in the potty chair.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Pumpkin Patch...

Nichole and I brought Alyssa to a pumpkin patch. She had a blast running around the farm. She went through a hay maze, rolled in the hay and helped pick out our pumpkins. I think we will go back on Saturday sometime for a hay ride, since it is suppose to be in the low 80's.
I forgot to mention that Alyssa had her 18 month well-baby check-up on the 3rd of October. She weighed 23.8 lbs. with her pj's on and measured 31 inches long. She is now close to the 50th percentile for both her weight and height and her head is still in the 90th percentile as usual. They were surprise that she had gained so much weight in the past three months, now she doesn't need to be seen until she is two.

Playing in the dog's water...

Alyssa just loves water. Any chance she gets she will play in any water and, yes, that does include the toilet water also. She has done that twice so far. I try to tell her that it is dirty water, but she just doesn't understand. All she knows is that it is water and she loves water.

Our little bunny...

I just love this picture. It reminds me of a picture of me that is in my babybook. If I find it I will have to scan it and post it with this picture.

Alyssa playing in the leaves...

Here is Alyssa getting buried in the leaves by Ann. Alyssa wasn't to sure about crawling in the leaves until Ann started to throw leaves on her then she just loved it!!!

Alyssa and Mommy in the leaves!!!

Our neighbors blew all the leaves into one big pile for Alyssa to play in. We have the best neighbors they have been mowing our lawn and raking our leaves for us while Bill has been gone and we didn't even ask them too. Ann and Jerod even watched Alyssa for me while I was at a meeting one evening. I try to repay them by making them goodies.