Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!!

Alyssa is going as a lady bug for Halloween!!! We will post more pictures of her, I just wanted Bill to see her costume. We will see you tomorrow, Bill. We love you and miss you.

So serious

Alyssa had sweet potatos today for the first time, she seems to like them.

Hey!!! What's going on.


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Only 3 More Days, Daddy!!!

We can't wait for Bill to be home on the 1st of November!!!
Here is Alyssa taking a nap, she is so sweet.

We are off to the gym.

Here is Alyssa in her warm hat and mittens, ready to go to the gym.

Smiley Baby!!!

I got a smile on camera!!!

I finally got my toes in my mouth!!!

Alyssa thinks her toes are the greatest thing. She is always putting them in her mouth. When it is time to change her diaper the feet go to the mouth.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Only 8 more days, Daddy!!!

I'm a big girl!!!

Feed me faster, Mommy!!!

Here is Alyssa sucking on her highchair. I guess it tastes better than her food. Alyssa tried fruit (pears) today for the first time. She wasn't sure at first, then she gobbled them all up.

Dakota & Alyssa

Dakota is waiting patiently hoping to get Alyssa's toy.

Interesting weekend

Mom, Dad, Alyssa and I were suppose to go to the cities this weekend to help Nathan move. We made it as far as Fargo. Over half way to Fargo Alyssa started crying, so we thought she just wanted to get out of her carseat. We went to Ihop to eat and Alyssa's crying never stopped. She had been crying for over an hour when we decided to bring her to the emergency room. After about two hours of crying she finally went to sleep and woke up in the emergency room. We thought she may be having a reaction to her synagis shot. The doctor checked her out and said that she was perfectly fine and healthy and said we could continue on our trip, but we decided it would be better if we headed back to Grand Forks.

Look what I can do!

Alyssa found her feet/toes this week. She tries her best to get them in her mouth. She had to go to the doctor today to get her synagis shot for RSV. She weighed in at 15 pounds 12 ounces.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Alyssa in the tub!!!

10/19/05 Alyssa was crabby today. All she wanted to do is cry. I think she may have a tooth coming in, but I don't see anything there yet. She loves the tub, so I gave her a bath. When she was done I just let her lay on the couch naked. She loves to be naked too. She found her feet today and got mad when she couldn't get them in her mouth. She is such a silly girl.

Sleepy girl

This picture looks like Mommy.

She's ready :o)

Alyssa had cereal today and she seems to be ready.
She cleaned the bowl.

10 pound marker for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I would share some info. with all of you. I am very proud of myself. Alyssa and I started going to the gym on the 5th of September and I started a calorie counting program on the 27th of September. I weigh myself every week, as of this week I have lost 10 pounds!!! Now I only have 9 pounds to go to get back to my original weight. After I had Alyssa I was only two pounds heavier than I am right now. I think being a stay-at-home Mom made me lazy, but I am working on it now.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Only two more weeks!!!!!

Alyssa playing with her clothes. Look at that belly :0)
She is just the cutiest baby ever!!!

Busy weekend!!!

We or should I say I had a busy weekend. Alyssa and I went to Grandma & Grandpa Moteberg's house for the weekend. Mom watched Alyssa Saturday night after Alyssa went to bed, so Dad, Nichole, Pete & I could go to 7 Clans Casino in Theif River Falls. We got home around 2:30 in the morning. Sunday Nichole & Pete had us all over for lunch/supper. Sunday night Dad watched Alyssa, so Mom, Nichole, Marissa, MarJenna & I could go to the Brad Paisley, Sara Evans & Sugarland concert. It was a blast!!! It was nice to get out of the house, that is only the third time I have done anything in the past couple of months.
Updates on Alyssa: She started holding her bottle by herself this past week. She started putting her arms up when she wants to go to someone a couple of weeks ago. And last but not least she giggled today for the first time when I was blowing on her tummy. There is always something new.

Alyssa taking a snooze.

Here is Alyssa at Auntie CoCo and Uncle Pete's house.

Look what I can do!!!

Here is Alyssa holding her bottle. She has been helping for awhile, but she finally has it mastered. She does get lazy sometimes still, especially when she is tired.

What a big girl!!!

This gives you an idea of how tall Alyssa is now.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Just 18 more days and Bill will be home!!!

Here is Alyssa and Uncle Nate playing.

Get Uncle Nathan's whiskers!!!

Uncle Nathan decide to come to GF today, no one knew he was going to be here. It was a nice suprise for everyone. Here is Alyssa pulling on Nate's whiskers, that is the first thing she did today when she saw him. Alyssa just loves facial hair, especially Grandpa's.

What is she doing?

Here is Alyssa sucking on her Baby Einstein animal's tail, just like it was her binky.

Grandma & Alyssa

Alyssa giving Grandma hugs & kisses!!!

Grandpa & Alyssa

Grandma & Grandpa Gruenes came to visit today!!!
Alyssa & I enjoyed having company out to our house.

What kind of look is that?


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Here's my sleepy girl.

10/11/05 Alyssa got her six month shots today and she didn't even cry. She did jump a little for the first one, but she didn't even shed a tear. She was such a big girl. I was dreading it because last time she cried hard. This picture was taken today after our hour walk we went on, she had just woken up. Alyssa just loves being outside. Her 6 month Columbia fleece came in handy today, I didn't think that she would ever be able to wear it. She still has room to grow in it also. Isn't she just the cutiest baby ever!!! Who could resist that cute little face.

Look what I got today!!!

These are from my secret admirer :)

This one is for Auntie CoCo!!!

Isn't this the truth :)

I couldn't decide which picture, so you get both.

This picture was taken after Alyssa tried rice cereal again. She did a little better with it this week, but we are just going to wait another week before she has it again. She just loves her highchair if you can't tell. It's the only time she will actually smile for the camera.

I'm ignoring you, Mom.

I forgot this one last time I posted.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Look at my new highchair!!!

Alyssa just loves sitting in her new highchair. You can even see a little smile in the top picture. We tried rice cereal on Wednesday, but she wasn't quite ready yet. She tried to eat the cereal like it was a bottle and ended up spitting it out. We are just going to keep trying every week until she is ready. There's no point in rushing it.

New favorite sleeping position

Since Alyssa can roll over now she loves to sleep on her side/tummy.
Just like her Mommy!!!
Look at those cute little slippers.

Alyssa & Auntie CoCo

Look at those rosey little cheeks.

Just chillin in Mommy & Daddy's bed

Alyssa waiting for Mommy to get ready to go to the gym.

Alyssa eating her hand

Here is a picture of Alyssa in her toy basket eating her hand.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

15 lbs. 6 oz. & 25 1/2 inches long

10/4/05 Alyssa had her six month check up today and she is doing really well with her weight and length. She is between the 25th and 50th percentile with them both. Now her head is a different story that is in the 75th percentile, I guess she just has a big head J/K. This is a picture of Alyssa in her new booster seat. I haven't bought a highchair yet, so I figured this will do until we get one. I am hoping to try rice cereal with her tomorrow just to see if she is ready to eat solids yet. I am so excited!!!

Now isn't this just gross.

10/3/05 This is the present that Alyssa gave to Auntie CoCo (Nichole). Alyssa just couldn't wait to give it to her. Pretty gross huh?

Uncle Pete & Alyssa

This one is for Uncle Pete!!!

Alyssa & Mommy Again

This one is for Daddy.
We love you and miss you very much.
We hope this next month will go by quick, so we can see you soon.

Look who's 6 months today!!!

Alyssa at a half a year old.
Where does the time go??????????????

All Bundled Up

10/2/05 Alyssa & I decided to try out a church here on base today. It was a contemporary service that was in the evening at 6:00. Since it was a nice day we decided to walk, it only took 10 minutes to get there. By 7:00 it was chilly out so I had to put Alyssa in a coat, hat and wrap her legs in a blanket. She just looked so cute I had to get a picture. I bring the camera everywhere, so I don't miss anything!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Look at that Big Girl!!!

Alyssa is so proud that she can make it to her belly.
She is playing with her Baby Einstein blocks, my favorite toys.
I think I forgot to mention that Alyssa now likes to help hold her bottles,
she has been doing that for a couple of weeks now.

Check out the PJ's!!!

9/30/05 Here is Alyssa in her snowman pj's that we bought her before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl. She looks like my little boy in this picture. She is so cute. I don't think the pj's would have fit her around Christmas time even if she was born when she was suppose to be.

What a silly face :)

Alyssa sucking on her fingers, she always has to have something in her mouth.
She is constantly drooling, I think she will have a tooth some time soon
or she will just teeth for along time.

I rolled over today!!!

9/29/05 Alyssa has been getting on her side for a couple of weeks now and she tries so hard to get over. Earlier this week I noticed that her neck was so much stronger than it has been. Today she finally made it from her back to her belly. She hasn't quite figured out how to get back on her back, so she cries for me to do it for her. A couple of weeks ago she accidently rolled from belly to back, but she hasn't gotten that down yet. I'm sure it will be very soon. She is getting so independent.