Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bedtime for Alyssa

8/26/05 Finally I got caught up on all of Alyssa's pictures!!! She is sleeping right now, so I had time to finish them up. Last night was the first time she slept in her crib all night long. Hopefully she will continue this routine. Oh, and last Saturday night Alyssa started making sounds I was so excited it made me cry. She is growing up so fast, before we know it she will be rolling over and crawling, then walking.

Looks like a smile!!!

Just getting home from the grocery store.

Our Little Cheerleader!!!


Uncle Pete & Alyssa

Finally a picture with Uncle Pete.

Bill's not going to like this one.

8/19/05 Isn't that cute? Dakota giving Alyssa a kiss. Dakota is very protective of Alyssa, whenever Alyssa cries Dakota comes to the rescue. Dakota loves Alyssa and Alyssa doesn't know what to think about Dakota!

Working on holding that head up

8/17/05 Alyssa still has not mastered holding her head up, but she practices everyday. I just love the overalls!!!

Great Aunt Orma, Grandma & Alyssa

8/16/05 Mom, Alyssa & I went to visit Orma. Orma was pretty happy to get to hold Alyssa.

Which one is Alyssa?

This is a picture of Alyssa after her Infant Massage class that we went to. Bill had noticed the week before how Alyssa and the doll looked so much alike when Alyssa was sleeping. I just had to get a picture. This one is for you Bill.

I'm a Little Cutie

See my shirt 50% Mommy 50% Daddy?
It's kind of hard to see.

Auntie Nichole & Alyssa


What a Big Girl!!!

Alyssa sitting with the help of her boppy.

Sleepy Baby

Alyssa after a walk with Mommy.
Doesn't she look cute in her hat???

Getting Ready for a Bath???

What a chubby baby!!!

Is it a smile???

Look at the cutie!!!

Daddy & Alyssa

Daddy getting in some last minute snuggle time before he leaves for Washington tomorrow.

Alyssa & Mommy watching T.V.

Just relaxing on the couch.
Doesn't Mommy look happy????

Alyssa Relaxing

Alyssa relaxing the day after the wedding.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Final Wedding Snap Shot (Our Family)

What a cute family! And Alyssa isn't even crying.

4 Generations

Grandma Lyla, Alyssa (happy for her picture), Michelle, & Dad (Butch)

Dad & Nichole

Father/Daughter Dance

The Wedding Dance

And they dance!!!

Nichole & the Bestman

Isn't she married???

What is this????

It looks like someone stole the groom.
Crystal, Pete, Katie, and Jessie

Leaving for the Ramada

You know Nichole she just had to drive.

The Bride & Groom

Just Married

Waiting for the wedding to start

Grandma Lyla, Gordy, Grandpa Donald, & Evangeline
Waiting for the wedding to start.

Dad & Pete

Don't they look handsome???

Cuddle time with Mommy


Our Family

Alyssa was tired of pictures before they even started. She is not to fond of the camera as you can see. This is what she did for the photographer too. Nichole and I brought Alyssa to get her 4 month pictures done earlier this week and she did the same thing, cried through them all. Hopefully she will outgrow this. Normally she never cries.

Sleeping Beauty


Nichole taking a break

Taking a break between pictures and the wedding.

Uncle Nate & Alyssa

Doesn't Uncle look handsome Alyssa???

Alyssa & Mommy

Aren't we cute?

4 Beautiful Women

All ready to go!!!!!!!!!!

Crystal, Nichole & Jesse

Crystal (Personal Attendent) getting Nichole's dress on for the wedding.

Bill feeding Alyssa

Bill feeding Alyssa in the church.

Nichole & Kaylie (The Wedding Day)

8/6/05 This is a picture of Nichole & Kaylie. Kaylie fixed Nichole's hair for the wedding along with mine (Michelle), Mom's & Karen's (Pete's sister). She did a great job. Oh, Kaylie, by the way, I like the PJ's. Just Kidding.

Alyssa in her bouncy chair

8/4/05 Here is Alyssa playing in her bouncy chair at Grandma & Grandpa's Moteberg's house.

Alyssa sticking out her tougue

This picture was taken 8/1/05. On 8/2/05 Alyssa weighed 12 pounds even and measured 22 1/2 inches in lenth. Just two days after this picture Alyssa was 4 months old. Where does the time go? As you can probably tell Alyssa started losing her hair, it is very thin now. We are just waiting for it to grow back. She is still the same cute little girl anyway.

Uncle Pat & Alyssa

Last time seeing Uncle Pat before he left for his new job.

Alyssa sitting with Daddy


Grandpa & Alyssa


Bill, Pat & Ben

This was taken a few days before Ben went back to Germany and Pat went off to his new job in Massachusetts (I think). Don't they all look so happy!!!

Uncle Ben & Alyssa

Uncle Ben home from Germany.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Nichole's Bridal Shower

This was an exciting day for me. While Nichole was getting her hair fixed Alyssa smiled for the first time, it was so sweet. Of course she will never smile for a camera.


Look at the big girl!!!!

Alyssa sucking her thumb


First Day in the Swimming Pool!!!!


Chillin' out in the car

A long day at the Fertile Fair.

Alyssa's outfit for the Fertile Fair Fashion Show

This is a picture of Alyssa before the 4-H fashion show at the Fertile Fair. Cousin Marissa made this dress for Alyssa. From my understanding the dress made it to state. What a sweetie!!!